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The Millania Standard

  • Writer's pictureHRH Nicolas Millan I

Aenderia Condemned for Irrational behavior

The Government of Aenderia has put travel restrictions on the Iustus Republic. Many weren't surprised, as their leader, Russell Glitzem, was banned fairly for breaking multiple rules repeatedly - and even going as far as to break the United States Law, claiming it as "Free Speech." He decided that his nation would go as far as to place travel restrictions on the Iustus Republic, whose President, Austin Jaax, was a staunch supporter of such measures.

There is now word that the Congress within Iustus might take retaliatory measures against Aenderia for such extreme action from their government.

The Crown Prince H.R.H. Nicolás I issued a statement earlier today; "The actions of the Aenderian Government are completely Irrational. A government placing restrictions on another nation for a private server is ridiculous, and such (excuse my language) stupid measures by Mr. Glitzem will be taken seriously. I, as Prime Minister of Iustus, have proposed equal measures in retaliation, only for the protection of Iustus' economy. Millania will also take steps to condemn and punish the Unprofessional government of Aenderia. One man does not speak for an entire nation. Server rules (which I myself and all server members find very fair) and opinions should not dictate what a nation does to another. These travel restrictions are also nothing more than a useless insult, due to the fact that 0% of tourism in Iustus comes from Aenderia."

An interview took place with President Austin Jaax of Iustus, and H.R.H. Prince Pablo Macías of Andany.

The President has stated as follows; "The travel restrictions that Aenderia have placed on Iustus are not fair as they have no need to enforce them. I will have a short meeting with our Secretary of Treasury, Tom Sky, about tariffs, most likely followed by nothing as we don't yet see Aenderia as a big enough threat."

The Prince has stated as follows; "I think the travel restrictions on our ally, the Republic of Iustus, are unnecessary as no real citizen of the "Republic of Aenderia" is going to visit Iustus. Aenderia's comments, which they view as threats, are of the most minimalist manner and are not taken seriously by any means."

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