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Updated: Dec 4, 2020

4 Dec, 12:34am GMT

Kayutsastan has submitted all of its 32 votes, the first time in its history that it has achieved 100% turnout. With all polls now closed, the counting phase will begin.

3 Dec, 2:38pm GMT

CEdM has confirmed that elections will be announced as soon as Kayutsastan closes its poll stations, when global absentee votes will also stop being counted. The results will be announced, shortly followed by the referendum results. Kayutsastan has three outstanding votes, and it is estimated that global voters have the lowest turnout with 5-8 outstanding votes.

3 Dec, 2:13pm GMT

Thomas O'Reilly, C, has widened his small lead after a new Kayut update. This leaves Kayutsastan with three votes outstanding — but will it be enough to pull O'Reilly through? The Liu campaign is stoically calm, confident that second place votes from third party voters will pull them ahead.

While there is no seat change, chances for CBBP have been dashed as it now finds itself with two votes, zero outstanding in its home region of Charlbrough. Its only hope is to ally with El Correcto in a fragile coalition.

3 Dec, 1:45pm GMT

Chancellor Zoey Liu, L, is gaining fast on Thomas O'Reilly, C. But it is uncertain whether her lurch forward can produce momentum since both the Mainland and the High Commissions have closed the polls, and conservative stronghold Kayutsastan remains open. Things are looking bleak for third parties as an update correcting clerical errors showed them with less votes than anticipated.

The Liberals are gaining on the Conservatives, but it is unlikely to be enough to gain back a seat. It looks as if a deadlock government is looming for both coalitions, with a 4-4 seat split.

3 Dec, 7:51am GMT

The latest update projects Thomas O'Reilly, C, to win, after he made a stunning recovery with almost every Kayut vote. Millania's mainland, a liberal stronghold, however, has yet to submit, and the politically diverse territories and global voters are also sending their ballots in. Zoey Liu, L, has a chance to take her lead back if she can secure the votes.

The Conservatives have also far surpassed the Liberals in the legislature, and are expected to take yet another seat from their grasp. Third parties will play a crucial role in how the government will play out, and with less El Correcto members running than a majority, a strategic choice on the Conservative's part will prove crucial in their government's formation.

3 Dec, 6:25am GMT

CEdM has officially upheld results in Kayutsastan after security checks on the forms available were done. This comes as a relief to O'Reilly, C, who desperately needs the votes.

3 Dec, 2:01am GMT

CEdM has upheld the results in every constituency following recounts — except for the latest updates in Kayutsastan.

3 Dec, 1:15am GMT

Chancellor Zoey Liu has submitted her ballot, signaling the beginning of the end of Mainland voting.

3 Dec, 11:15pm GMT

Kayutsastan has submitted an update, but it raised serious concerns over electoral security. Many voters submitted ballots which not only had significant inherent errors in the party lists, but was not approved by CEdM and does not abide by electoral regulations. Security concerns have also been raised, as the security features in Millania's forms ensure that electors don't commit fraud are not found in the Kayut ballots.

Kayutsastan will be given an extra day to reorganise the ballots, and CEdM oversight will be instituted with routine checks. Kayutsastan will be held to its population of 32 as per the 2020 census, with any new citizens being treated as if they have DAEMC status.

This has also prompted CEdM intervention in other constituencies, which they promise will be completed today.

2 Dec, 2:39pm GMT

Íjáltflokure (Conservatives of Yochtia) members voted Zoey Liu, L, and Liberals of Kayutsastan seem to be voting Thomas O'Reilly. This shows the vast difference in the political landscapes of the two Realms.

2 Dec, 2:35pm GMT

The Kayut Independence Front has rescinded their boycott and thrown their lot behind Kayut Thomas O'Reilly, C. The right-wing pro-independence party has gained support in the region, and a government response is expected to soft diplomacy the sentiment away. Regionalist Sudahan and pro-Millania Topek are taking a stance to counter the movement as well.

2 Dec, 2:16pm GMT

Millania's government is looking homewards as it already prepares for the first citizenship drive since 2018. Crown Prince Nicolás, M, has confirmed that he will propose measures to increase electoral participation among Mainland voters, who after the phasing out of pledged voting may have incredibly low turnout.

Spanish speaking media has been absent from every election in Millania's history, even though the government made a transition into spanish for all electoral graphics since 2018 II. Colombian voters remain uninformed and as a result either don't vote or pledge their votes largely to left-wing parties.

2 Dec, 1:55pm GMT

CEdM has assured that this election is the most secure in history. With the phasing out or reform of antiquated voting systems such as the general caucus (voting by declaring candidates directly to officials), and pledged voting (voting months in advance by selecting various political parties instead of specific candidates), they are not wrong.

Ever since the electoral scandal in neighbouring Abelden, CEdM has been under government pressure to prevent any possibility of widespread, undetectable electoral fraud. Security measures have since been instituted, including the party concession rule, which mandates the top five parties to either concede or call for one recount and an electoral fraud investigation.

Other measures include mandatory reminders to all who are sent ballots, public transparency, varying poll closing times to accommodate for each municipality, more lenient acceptances of extensions, and post-closing recounts to confirm results.

2 Dec, 1:47pm GMT

All eyes are on Kayutsastan's dazzling surge in turnout as Zoey Liu's (L) allies are mulling over options to pull together more votes with the little time left in Millanian ballot stations. Polls are expected to close for the Mainland tomorrow, and with many having already voted, it is uncertain whether any strategy is possible.

2 Dec, 1:35pm GMT

Private news agencies have been told that they can now call and report on the election. This is a historic first as election rules which usually prohibit media coverage have been proven useless, and are becoming obsolete.

2 Dec, 1:17pm GMT

The hearsay is that Thomas O'Reilly, C, is confident that he could nab the win. His campaign thinks that Kayut voters could pull him ahead, and with a new 13-seat Almyugan endorsing him almost entirely, it's not a far-fetched idea.

2 Dec, 1:08pm GMT

Kayutsastan has announced that in two days it will release their final results.

2 Dec, 12:32pm GMT

O'Reilly is just shy of half the votes of Liu, L, but he is gaining unprecedentedly fast since the last Kayut update. He is now ahead of both Andersson, Ind., and Satterfield, N, two favourites. With Charlbrough and Anderssonia reporting, Baxter-Bray, CB, and Andersson, Ind. effectively are stuck where they are, with opponents gaining fast.

The Liberals are just now losing their steam from early voting week, and Conservatives may gain another seat. Updates from both Millania and Kayutsastan are expected throughout the night, which could give either party an edge. Third parties are just holding out, but all is lost for the Paisa! Bloc. Their voters tend to put the Liberals in second.

2 Dec, 9:43am GMT

It looks like CEdM may project an early Liu victory, but O'Reilly may battle it out until the end.

2 Dec, 4:13am GMT

Cordrica, Yochtia, and the Orient have submitted — the former two with full turnout. This puts Liu in a comfortable lead over Andersson and Satterfield, with Baxter-Bray and O'Reilly waiting on their regions to push them ahead. Liberals are still ahead, but third parties are catching up as expected.

2 Dec, 2:33am GMT

CEdM is saying turnout will just sneak over 50% — the lowest in Millanian history by far.

2 Dec, 2:05am GMT

Millania's balloting systems are slowly closing. Results are being counted in the Orient, and an update is expected from the Mainland's Colombian contingent of voters. Meanwhile, all High Commissions, Global voters, and all Realms except for Kayutsastan have indicated results within twenty-four hours.

2 Dec, 12:43am GMT

It looks like conservatives are flocking to balloting stations on election day. O'Reilly just might gain the steam he needs.

1 Dec, 3:07pm GMT

The Kayut Independence Front will be boycotting the vote, says their party leadership. KIF constitutes 2-3 members. They have failed to mention that not voting is actually legal.

1 Dec, 3:01pm GMT

A load of ballots are trickling in at the moment, more than doubling the count from seven to around eighteen. Expect results from Charlbrough and Cordrica and updates from the Mainland, the Orient, Kayutsastan, and Yochtia tomorrow morning when CEdM reopens. Anderssonia and most High Commissions are still awaiting counts.

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